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Rhinoplasty at Optimed Hospital

How is the process of deciding on the ideal nose for the patient?

When our patients first come to us with a request for surgery, we first examine the patient and identify the problems. We describe the nose that we will make according to the nose problem of the patient. We give information about how much we can shrink that nose ifit has a very large nose, and how much we can intervene if it has a much-curved nose.

Not only for the nose, but we also point out the asymmetries in the face, nose, lip, eyebrow and facial bone.We share information not only about one region on the patients’ face, but also about their face in general appearance of the patient completely.


We meet with the patient on a common ground and agree to make the nose that best suits the patients’ face, and then decide on the surgery.

Which techniques are used during the surgery?

Rhinoplasty operations are performed in two different ways; open and closed. We usually do it openly because we get patients with a lot of nose problems.

There are bones and cartilages not only inside the nose but also outside, and we are trying to correct everything related to the nose. Since we want to make big changes in the nose, we prefer to use open technique. If there is not too much problem in the nose and thereis a small bone protrusion, then we use the closed technique where we will makes lightly more like minimal changes.

Is there any pain after the operation?

The pain threshold differs inevery person. If we are to make a generalization for rhinoplasty operations, there is pain on the first day. The pain subsides in the next days. We can say that the rate of pain forour patients is 50% -50%, as it is related to the pain threshold.

There are patients who say they have pain, and there are also patients who say that they are very comfortable. This situation also changes depending on the operation we performon the nose. There is usually little more pain for the patients whose nose situation is worse.


Are there any consequences such as falling nose tip, facial bruising and swelling?

Swelling and bruises occur at the first times that we had the surgery. Although it is more prominent in some patients, the swelling usually disappears within a period of 1 week - 10 days. Swelling and bruises situation change according to the operation performed on the nose. Ifit is a very large nose and we reduced its size, bruises and swelling would bemore. In rhinoplasty surgeries, the complete fit of the nose takes a period of 6 months to 1 year. Sometimes, although it is very rare, we encounter processes that take up to two years. During this time, the patient can continue his daily activities. Only on the first day, the patient needs a companion in his/her daily work to recover and recover on the first night of his/her hospitalization due to anaesthesia. After one day than the operation, patients can perform their own physical activities.

After the operation, we place plaster and tapes outside of the nose and we place tampons in the nose. We keep them for an average of a week and then take them off. Patients just have an affect physically but continue their daily activities.


When does the patient return to their daily life after the tampons are removed?       

After the stitches and tampons are removed in a week after the operation, we put on a tape especially for big size noses and it stays for a week. In other words, there are some things outside of the nose for a period of two weeks after the surgery. At the end ofthese two weeks, the patients continue their daily life and becomes normal in terms of appearance.


Rhinoplasty Surgery (Nose job) at Optimed Hospital: USD $ 2,275-2,600 - Book Now!

Price includes:

* All the Preoperative Preparation Examinations

*Hospitalization of the patient + 1 relative in a suite room in Optimed Hospital

* Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner in Optimed Hospital ( Room Service)

* Surgery

* Airport Transfer (Pick up and Drop Off)

**These prices are only valid for the mentioned services. In case of unexpected complications/circumstances that may develop during the patient's stay in our hospital, additional costs may apply.

Author: Dr. Muzaffer Kurt, MD

Posted: 27 December 2020 at 11:28 UTC
Last Updated: 24 July 2023 at 15:28 UTC

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